Thank you for taking the time to visit Utah's only real estate professionals blog. This blog was created because after talking to many of Utah's real estate agents, builders and developers, I realized that many of us out there in the real estate and financial fields are experiencing many of the same problems. If we had a network to turn to and ask advice and questions it could definitely help our cause. We are all out there trying to find our niche and create marketing ideas that work and are cost effective. Hopefully this blog will allow you to see what others are seeing and also see what is and isn't working.

I invited many of Utah's finest real estate agents that I have done business with in the past to visit the blog. I have also asked them to contribute by allowing them to post on the blog as well. If you have not received an invitation to post on the blog and would like to do so, please let me know. I will be more than happy to send you an invitation. You don't have to release every one of your marketing secrets to others. Feel free to share ideas and experiences with others in the same field. By doing so, we can all benefit.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Motivation in this Tough Market

Thank you for clicking on the invitation that you received via email. This blog is brand new and I sent out a couple invitations to real estate professionals that I highly respect and those that I feel could teach me and everyone else a thing or two during these tough times. Whether it's marketing advice or advice to save a deal. We can all use more knowledge. If you are viewing this but haven't joined the blog to post or comment, please join. This blog will be a great tool to help you bounce ideas and offer advice to those in the same industry. You don't have to give up your secrets but your advice is highly respected and encouraged.

I am going to post a thread that I posted in my personal blog. I want this blog to also be a marketing tool that others can turn to for ideas or to ask advice on what ideas are working and aren't working.

I received a call yesterday from a colleague that asked if I had the “golden key” to this market because his brokerages loan applications had basically died. Unfortunately there are no golden keys, as we all know the market is what it is and we have to pound away at it to make it work for us. He mentioned that it has been difficult to get up and go to work in the mornings because the market has worn him down. I told him I would personally call him every morning to make sure he was in the office and closing deals to feed his family. Accountability is bigger than ever right now because many real estate professionals are in the same situation and letting the market get the best of them. Find someone to motivate you and hold you accountable for what you have to get done today. If you don’t have someone that will call you, call me. I will be more than happy to help.

Enough about that, we are implementing some new marketing to help create business for real estate agents call capture #’s. We have a new program that will allow the seller to pay for the buyers first 6 months house payments. By adding our rider sign to your listings, agents have been able to increase their call capture calls by over 30%. We have not done this yet in Utah but it is being done in other states with huge success. If you are using call capture for leads, I would like to offer you this service to increase your business. For other marketing ideas and questions don’t hesitate to give me a call or shoot me an email.

I received some great advice this week from a loan officer in Florida. He has made over 700k this year and made 1.2M last year in Florida’s extremely tough market. This was his advice to me. “You need to keep up with what is working. Would you sell records or ipods right now?”

I have never blogged or been a fan of blogs but I needed to get out of the record business I guess. I hope you enjoy this blog and find the information useful. Please join andbe a part of it.

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